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About Us

AWEN Celtic Voices is formed from two already established duo's, Joanne McIver & Christophe Saunière and Ciara Brennan & Chris Dawson. They got together for what was meant to be a 'one off' Celtic Voices tour in 2018 inlcuding the Welsh voice of Nicky Lewis and it worked out so well it was impossible not to look to the future after the fantastic reception by the public at various venues during the tour with a key festival debut for AWEN in front of 3000 people at the Celtic festival of Gévaudan in France.

Une spectacle originale avec Trois Voix Celtiques sublime, originaires de Ecosse, Irlande et Pays de Galles.

Joanne McIver - Vocals, Bagpipes, Whistles

Joanne grew up on the Isle of Arran, in the south west of Scotland.

She started learning the bagpipes at the age of six and played for twelve years with the local pipe band. She also learned the flute

and subsequently studied classical music at Glasgow University

specialising in performance and composition.


Originaire de l'Ile dArran, Ecosse - Chant et Cornemuses

Elle a chanter pour le nouveau album de Alain Stivell. et aussi présenter le film de France 3

Ciara Brennan - Vocals, Fiddle, Mandolin

Ciara hails from the Irish capital Dublin. A musician descended from the musical heritage of the Rowesome and Brennan families, Ciara has been surrounded by music all her life.

As soon as she could hold an instrument she was playing, she began on the fiddle and went on to become a highly accomplished musician and won all Ireland titles on violin, solo singing and in the not so common art of Lilting.

Originaire de Dublin, Irlande - Chant, Violon, Mandoline

Primée plusieurs fois au prestigieux championat national 'I'All Ireland Fleadh Championship' au violon, chant et lilting (chant rythmique).

Nicky Lewis - Vocals

From south Wales, Nicky has both a traditional and contemporary musical background, singing from an early age for various 'Eisteddfods' (a Welsh festival of literature, music and performance, a tradition dating back to at least the 12th century).

Originaire de Pays de Galles - Chant

Elle a chanter depuis une jeune age pour les 'Eisteddfods' (festivals Gallois de literature, musique et arts).

Chris Dawson - Bouzouki/Cittern, Flutes, Bodhran

 "quality celtic/folk", "sterling results!" fROOTS Magazine

Has worked/recorded alongside some notable musicians such as Sylvain Barou (Triad, Guidewires), Dan Ar Braz, Michael McGoldrick, Annie Ebrel, Alain Genty (Barzaz).

Also worthy of note, completely self taught, for many years has been making and playing his own professional quality bamboo flutes.

Michael McGoldrick was the first person to realise their potential and play them in the early 90's and has continued to play them to this day, along with Sylvain Barou and many other renowed players.

Christophe Saunière - Harp

A most eclectic and active musician, Christophe Saunière at an early stage of his career already showed signs of what some would call artistic contradictions.

Whilst playing the harp with the principal French symphonic orchestras he was also the drummer as well as bass player in various rock bands.


His thirst for discovery led him to Scotland where he settled for five years and became the main harpist with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

Working as a studio musician for many jazz, classical and world music projects, he was hired to play the harp for the recording of an impressive list of film soundtracks, including The English Patient, Titanic, Alien IV, Star Wars – Episode 1

© 2023 by AWEN Celtic Voices.

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